Reputation management and its cousin, brand reputation management, are essential these days if your business has an online presence. Here are a few ways you can help protect your company’s reputation both on a regular basis and in the event a negative incident occurs.
Evaluate Your Website - Does It Reflect Your Mission?
Your online presence starts with your business website. Does the language used reflect the tone you want to convey to customers and potential customers? Are your images in line with your desired perception in the community? Even your choice of colors can influence how people see your business.
Be Responsive to Customer Feedback
Your website should have a way for anyone to contact your company. You may also have a spot on review sites like Google and Yelp. When someone leaves a comment there — good or bad — consider responding quickly, either thanking them for the praise or asking if you can contact them privately about their dissatisfaction.
The bigger your business the more you need to stay on top of negative feedback, especially if it gets shared on social media. You’ve probably seen some of the disastrous videos people have filmed on their cell phones that have cost airlines and retail businesses millions because upper management ignored them, erroneously thinking things would blow over.
Establish Social Media Policies
Speaking of social media, it’s best to designate one or two people to post on social media, so you establish a tone and consistency for your presence there. Think about what platforms you’re on too; they’re not all the same. Consider whether you’re looking to build a sophisticated reputation or generate youthful enthusiasm.
You likely can’t limit what your employees say in private on their social media accounts, but you can ask them not to mention the business name or give the impression they are speaking on behalf of your company
Practice Online Advertising Safety
Online reputation management, or ORM as it’s called, involves choosing carefully where your business appears. Pick advertising sites thoughtfully, so you don’t wind up next to an ad for another business that could mistakenly be associated with yours and tarnish your reputation. Don’t leave it up to a site’s AI to place your ads. It’s better to do fewer advertisements and spend on the places where you know you won’t mind being seen.
Consider Hiring a Reputation Manager
When your business reaches a certain size, it makes sense to think about hiring a reputation manager, either in-house or as a consultant. This person can audit your online presence, monitor appearances, and make changes as needed to guide your company toward the impression it wants to give.
Protect Your Reputation
In the dynamic landscape of online business, safeguarding your company's reputation is paramount. It's crucial to consider additional layers of protection. Just as you wouldn't leave your online reputation to chance, investing in the right business insurance can be a strategic move. To make sure you have the best coverage, call Hometown Insurance, Rhonda Botts Agency at 918-376-4940. We’ll customize protection for your needs, and you can enjoy letting your company’s reputation shine.